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Excellent Facilities


Sydney Amateur Sailing Club offers excellent facilities specifically designed for yacht owners. Our 62 moorings, located in the prime area of Mosman Bay, provide safe and convenient spots for your yacht, accessible by private tender. The club also features a slipway and other facilities, ensuring essential maintenance and repairs can be carried out efficiently to keep your yacht in optimal condition. With on-site amenities and expert staff support, SASC provides a perfect blend of convenience, safety, and community for yacht owners throughout the sailing season.


The SASC tender (Nancy K) services Mosman Bay and currently operates as follows:

  • Wednesdays                                                         10am-4pm
  • Fridays (Twilight Races)                                   4pm-9pm      
  • Weekends and Public Holidays                     9am-6pm 

Note – on busy race days (eg Friday Twilights) please assemble your crew on the pontoon to avoid multiple tender trips to your boat.

After the tender service has finished for the day,  skippers can drop crew and guests at the pontoon and take a club dinghy to their mooring to row back to the clubhouse                                                          

The tender driver can be contacted on 0418 678 690

On Saturday and Twilight race days  a second tender (Jack Millard) operates and can be contacted on 0418 678 819

Sydney Amateurs Sailing Club Facilities Tender-sasc-1


The Amateurs provides two Boat Sheds for members’ use.  Dinghy and locker storage is also available.  The Green Shed has limited berthing for members who wish to work on their yachts.  Bookings can be made through the office – office@sasc.com.au

Prices and By Laws

Boatshed Pricelist 2024/25

SASC Boatshed By Laws – Updated 2024

Dinghy Space

To apply for a dinghy space in the Boatshed or Green Shed please complete the form: Dinghy Space Application

Locker Space

To apply for a locker in the Boatshed please complete the form: Locker Space Application

To discuss your requirements or to make a slipway booking contact Rod Phillips:
+61 2 9909 2185 or email boatshed@sasc.com.au

Green Shed

This booking tool allows SASC members to reserve a berth at the Green Shed on a daily basis.

Berths are available from 10am on the first day of your booking, and you must vacate by 9:30am on the last day.

Please select the berth number you prefer and click the date box to book. Note that the Green Shed is charged at $40 per night.

This booking tool is exclusively for SASC members, ensuring a secure and convenient booking process for all club activities.

Please contact office@sasc.com.au (9953 1433) during business hours if you need further assistance with a booking.


Moorings & Slipway

Club moorings in Mosman Bay are available to members subject to demand and vessel size.  Please contact the club for further information and complete the following application: Mooring Application

The Club offers a slipway and shipwright services at discounted rates to members. We also provide weekend slipping for members who wish to work on their vessels.

Contact our Boatshed Manager Rod Phillips: boatshed@sasc.com.au or call 02 9909 2185 if you would like a quote to slip, wash and antifoul your vessel

A unique club with great facilities

Premium access for members


Crew, please let us know a little about your sailing ability so we can match you with the best boat and skipper.


Skippers, please let us know the crew information you need for ‘Women’s Rally For Fun’ on 1st December.

Archive Maintenance Form – Do you have any additional information or changes to the archive files? Please let us know.

Yacht Registration and Measurements

Welcome to Sydney Amateur Sailing Club

Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a beginner, SASC offers a welcoming community, expert guidance, and thrilling adventures on the water!

We look forward to welcoming you to Sydney Amateurs Sailing Club to enjoy sailing seasons, regattas, social events, and the camaraderie of fellow enthusiasts!

Locker Space Allocation

Members are requested to have their vessel name clearly identified.

All items left in the lockers are left at the owner’s risk.

To cancel your booked locker space, you will need to provide 4 weeks’ notice by email to office@sasc.com.au.

Dinghy Space Application

Members are requested to have their boat name clearly identified on their dinghy.

To cancel your booked dinghy space, you will need to provide 4 weeks’ notice by email to office@sasc.com.au.

Got a big one? Maximum Size: H 600 x W 1300 x L 2300

All items and dinghies left in the space are left at the owners risk.