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it's for everyone


The Amateurs offers an active and successful sailing program on most weekends during the Spring/Summer season.  Once daylight saving starts in October, the popular Friday night twilight races return.   Our series offer competitive racing for Classics, Mixed Fleet, Cavalier 28 and Super 30 divisions as well as non-spinnaker divisions for the Sunday fleets.

We also run special events including the Lion Island and Bob Brown offshore races in addition to the popular Ranger & Couta Boat Sprints on Sydney Harbour.

During Winter the Amateurs runs a short series for Classics and mixed divisions – both spinnaker and non-spinnaker.

Sailing Program

Welcome to the 2024-25 sailing season at Sydney Amateurs Sailing Club. We are excited to continue our proud tradition of competitive and recreational sailing on Sydney Harbour. This season promises an array of exhilarating races, social sails, and community events for sailors of all levels.

To help you navigate the upcoming season, we’ve made our Sailing Program easily accessible. The images below are all clickable PDFs, providing detailed information on each race and event. Additionally, the full Sailing Program is available as an interactive flipbook, which you can view in full screen or download for your convenience. We look forward to seeing you on the water.  

For more information contact racing@sasc.com.au or to enter a race or series go to On-line Entry

SASC Schedule 2024-25
SASC Rounding Marks 2024-25
SASC Rounding Marks GPS Coordinates
Amendments to Sailing Book - 2024-25

How to enter for the 2024-25 season

Port Stephens Regatta - Photo by Hoover

Events & Regattas

Club Championship – Saturday 29th March.

  • Entrants Coming Soon.

Ranger, Couta Sprints & Folkboat Sprints – 30th March 2025

Bob Brown Race to Pittwater – 17th April 2025

SASC Winter Series – 3rd May 2025

  • Details coming soon

Cruising Group


Racing Rules & Safety Resources

The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) governs the sport of sailboat, sailboard and kite board racing. It is revised and published every four years by World Sailing. The 2025-2028 version with Australian Sailing prescriptions has been published and is now available to download HERE

A copy of the RRS 2025-28 is required as part of your Equipment Audit.

 An electronic copy is acceptable and can be downloaded by clicking HERE

Some additional resourses:

An illustrated guide to rules applying around the course:

How good is your knowledge of the Rules? 

Play this animated quiz –Test your Rules Knowledge

Starting a Race – View Zoom Recording

Race Officer Mike Warner provides an overview of the starting sequences and flags used during the start of a race.  

Download the recording here:  Getting Started – Mike Warner Recording of Presentation

Download the presentation as a PDF here: Getting Started – Mike Warner

Preparing for an Equipment Audit – The Special Regulations provide a minimum safety equipment standard for yachts competing in racing events.  Please refer to the Special Regulations when preparing for your Equipment Audit. Special Regulations 2021_24.

The Special Regulations are updated regularly – Amendments issued up to November 2021 have been included in the Special Regulations – individual amendments can be downloaded: Special Regulations Amendments

It is important to service your inflatable life jackets – you will need to provide documentation confirming annual servicing when completing your Equipment Audit.  You can use the manufacturer’s form or download a generic form:  Inflatable Life Jacket Inspection form SASC accepts self-servicing of inflatable life jackets, however some clubs require inflatable life jackets to be serviced by an approved servicing agent. If you are racing with other clubs you should check their requirements

A guide to life jacket care and video on self-servicing is available on the TfNSW website: Care and Servicing of Inflatable life jackets

SASC now accepts self servicing of fire extinguishers. Each fire extinguisher must be inspected annually as follows:

  • Free of rust or corrosion
  • Less that 5 years old since date of manufacture
  • Pressure metre showing green.

Equipment auditors will sight each fire extinguisher as part of the equipment audit.

SASC no longer provides a fire extinguisher service at the club house

Skippers who require professional certification (eg if required to race with another club) must make their own arrangements. This applies to both Inflatable Lifejackets and Fire Extinguishers.

Equipment audits can be organised with an SASC auditor – see list below. Please contact the auditor directly, audits are usually conducted on Saturday Mornings during the sailing season, or at other times subject to auditor availability.

  • Bruce Dover             (0414 631 055)
  • Chris Manion           (0417 814 603)
  • Peter Scott                (0411 222 009)
  • Nigel Stoke               (02 9953 6125)
  • Philip Brown             (0418 214 897)
  • Stuart Anderson      (0414285374)
  • Dennis O’Donohue (0408336647)
  • Mike Warner            (0400298023)
  • John Sturrock          (0419258375)
  • Peter Robinson        (0414786694)

Skippers must report all incidents in writing to the club within 24 hours of the incident.  A vessel incident report form can be downloaded here: Incident Report Form

A guide to lifejacket and safety equipment rules for Enclosed and Offshore waters: TfNSW Safety Equipment Checklist

Sydney Amateur Sailing Club13.07.31


Sydney Harbour Water Police: (02) 9320 7499
Sydney Ports Vessel Traffic Service: (02) 9296 4999 (VHF13)
Marine Rescue Sydney (24×7):  (02)9450 2468 (VHF16)
Marine Rescue The Spit (7am to 5pm Sat/Sun):  (02) 9969 3270


Protests must conform to RRS Rule 61.  Completed Protest forms must be delivered to the SASC Sailing Office no later than 1100 hours on the first working day following the day of the race protested.  Hearings will be held on the following Tuesday at the SASC clubhouse or as directed by the Protest Committee.

Past Protest Outcomes

Protest Result 


Heard at: SASC, Tuesday 19 th December 2023 at 7:00 pm 

Protestor: Bruce Brown – Delinquent 

Protestee: Tony Stephens – Red Cloud 

Witnesses: Ian Wright, Herschel Smith. 

Event: SASC Friday Night Series Race 11, 15th December 2023 Protest is Valid As there was significant damage this protest is valid under RRS Rule 61.1(a) (4). Weather Conditions Wind ENE 15 knots gusting to 25 knots. 

Facts found: At approximately 1830 hours, Delinquent was close hauled on starboard approaching Beashel Buoy. Red Cloud was on port tack heading downwind after rounding Beashel Buoy. Delinquent had an apprehension of a collision and headed up in an attempt to avoid a collision. Delinquent’s masthead collided with Red Cloud’s rig, causing Red Cloud’s mast to break. Both yachts retired from the race. 

Applicable rules: RRS Rule 10, 14. 

Conclusion: Red Cloud broke RRS Rule 10 by not keeping clear. Delinquent complied with RRS Rule 14. 

Decision: As Red Cloud retired from the race there is no further penalty. 

Chair: Peter McCorquodale 

Date: 19 th December 2023 

Protest Committee: Peter McCorquodale, John Sturrock, David Pryke

Protest Result 


Heard at: SASC, Thursday 9 th November 2023 at 7:00 pm 

Protestor: Andrew Waugh – Cloud IX 

Protestee: Justin Lynch – Amity 

Event: SASC Friday Night Series Race 4, 27th October 2023 Protest is Valid 

Facts found: Cloud IX was on starboard approaching N2. Amity was on port. Amity called for mark room just before, or as she was tacking onto starboard. Amity tacked to leeward of Cloud IX. As Cloud IX passed Amity a collision occurred. Applicable rules: RRS Rule 11, 14. 

Conclusion: Both Cloud IX and Amity broke Rule 14 by not keeping clear and not avoiding a collision. 

Decision: Cloud IX and Amity are to be scored DSQ. 

Chair: Peter McCorquodale 

Date: 9 th November 2023 

Protest Committee: Peter McCorquodale, John Sturrock.

Protest Result 


Heard at: SASC, Thursday 9 th November 2023 at 7:00 pm 

Protestor: Guy Irwin – Clewless? 

Protestee: Andrew York – Like Oxygen 

Event: SASC Super 30 Gold Cup Race 4, 21st October 2023 Protest is Valid 

Facts found: Both Andrew York and Guy Irwin waived their right to appear as per RRS Rule 63.3. Clewless? was on starboard just after the start. Like Oxygen tacked onto port but was unable to clear Clewless?’s stern. A collision occurred, causing significant damage. Like Oxygen retired. Clewless? recommenced racing after 7.5 minutes. Applicable rules: RRS Rule 10, 60.1, 62.1(b). 

Conclusion: Like Oxygen broke Rule 10. Clewless?’s result was made significantly worse through no fault of her own. 

Decision: As Like Oxygen retired, no other penalty is applicable. Clewless? Is to be granted 7.5 minutes redress. 

Chair: Peter McCorquodale Date: 9 th November 2023 

Protest Committee: Peter McCorquodale, John Sturrock.

Protest Result 


Heard at: SASC, Thursday 3rd August 2023 at 7.00pm 

Protestor: Peter Chapman– Maybe XI 

Protestees: Michael Paull – Caress David Salter – Mister Christian Bob Moore – Witness 

Event: SASC Winter Series, Classics Spinnaker Division, Race 6, 22nd July 2023 Protest is Valid 

Facts found: Wind was SW at around 10 – 12 knots. Mister Christian, Caress and Maybe XI were on starboard, approaching the starting line. Maybe XI was overlapped to leeward of Caress. Caress was overlapped to leeward of Mister Christian. Maybe XI called Caress to come up. Caress responded that they were unable to do so because of Mister Christian. Maybe XI hailed Protest and displayed red flag. No collision occurred. All three yachts started and finished the race. Applicable rules: RRS Rule 11, Rule 43.1 (a), 60.1. 

Conclusion: Caress broke Rule 11. Mister Christian broke Rule 11.

Decision: Mister Christian is to be scored DSQ in 2023 Winter Series Classics Spinnaker Division, Race 6. Caress is exonerated from her breach of Rule 11 under Rule 43.1 (a) 

Chair: Peter McCorquodale Date: 3rd August 2023 

Protest Committee: Peter McCorquodale, Phil Tanner, Gary Donovan. 

Extract of Rules: 11 ON THE SAME TACK, OVERLAPPED When boats are on the same tack and overlapped, a windward boat shall keep clear of a leeward boat. 43 EXONERATION (a) When as a consequence of breaking a rule a boat has compelled another boat to break a rule, the other boat is exonerated for her breach

Protest No. 1            Combined Clubs 5/SASC Race 3 

Combined Clubs Winter Series and SASC Winter Series 2024 Fortune of War v Fagel Grip

Hearing at RANSA, on 5 June 2024 at 18:00.

Fortune of War (FOW) was represented by: Adrian Gruzman Fagel Grip (FG) was represented by: Jerry Lees


Conflict of interest

Protest Committee members declared that they had no conflicts of interest and no party objected to the members hearing the protest.

Other Procedural Matters

The protest was between boats in different races conducted by RANSA and SASC. The protest committee was acceptable to both those authorities in accordance with rule 63.8. After reaching and announcing its decision on the protest the protest committee proceeded to consider redress for FOW in accordance with rule 60.3(b).


1. FOW delivered a Hearing Request containing the information required by rule 61.2 to the race office within the protest time limit.

2. As a result of the incident FOW suffered damage to her hull 2m forward of the transom, and damage to her stanchion and each side of the cockpit, and parts of her rig, and a crew member of FOW was injured requiring hospital attendance.

3. FOW informed FG of her intention to protest immediately at the time of the incident.

4. The protest is valid in accordance with rule 61.1(a)(4).


1. The races were sailed in wind SSE 15 kts and flat water.

2. FOW was racing.

3. The racing area for both boats was Sydney Harbour.

4. FG had finished but was sailing in the racing area.

5. FG was reaching to the west on port tack.

6. FOW was sailing on starboard tack on a beat to windward from LM off Robertson Point to Point Piper.

7. FOW saw FG on port tack and hailed ‘starboard’

8. About 10 seconds later there was contact between FG’s bow and FOW’s port after section 2m forward of her transom causing damage and injury.

9. FOW was unable continue racing and retired.

10. FG advised the protest committee that she retired from Race 3.


A. FG on port did not keep clear of FOW on starboard. FG broke rule 10.

B. FG did not avoid contact with FOW when it was reasonably possible to do so. FG broke rule 14.

C. It was not reasonably possible for FOW to avoid contact. FOW did not break rule 14.


Since Fagel Grip was not racing but was sailing in the racing area and had been racing, and the incident caused injury, the preamble to RRS Part 2 applies and Fagel Grip may be penalised for breaking RRS 14, however, in accordance with rule 64.2(a), Fagel Grip, having retired, has taken an applicable penalty and shall not be further penalised.


1. It is expected that it will take 6 weeks for FOW to be repaired


A. FOW’s score in Race 5 was made significantly worse through no fault of her own by physical damage because of the action of FG that was breaking rule 14 and took an appropriate penalty. FOW is entitled to redress in accordance with rule 62.1 (b ).


Redress is given to Fortune of War. Fortune of War is to be scored points equal to the average, rounded to the nearest tenth of a point (0.05 to be rounded upward), of her points in Races 1, 2, and 4 in the series in any of Races 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 in which she does not compete.

Simon Barrington
Chairman Protest Committee: John Allan NJ, Simon Barrington, Robert Skol

Previous Race Results

By clicking the link below, you will be able to access the Previous Years’ Race Results, showcasing the season winners, participating boats, and their skippers. This detailed archive highlights the exceptional performances of past seasons and celebrates the skill and dedication of our members. Whether you’re reflecting on your own achievements or exploring the club’s proud racing history, this resource offers a comprehensive view of our race results and the standout moments of previous seasons.

Everyone loves sailing

It is a sport that connects you with nature and is inclusive of everyone, regardless of skill or ability.


Crew, please let us know a little about your sailing ability so we can match you with the best boat and skipper.


Skippers, please let us know the crew information you need for ‘Women’s Rally For Fun’ on 1st December.

Archive Maintenance Form – Do you have any additional information or changes to the archive files? Please let us know.

Yacht Registration and Measurements

Welcome to Sydney Amateur Sailing Club

Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a beginner, SASC offers a welcoming community, expert guidance, and thrilling adventures on the water!

We look forward to welcoming you to Sydney Amateurs Sailing Club to enjoy sailing seasons, regattas, social events, and the camaraderie of fellow enthusiasts!

Locker Space Allocation

Members are requested to have their vessel name clearly identified.

All items left in the lockers are left at the owner’s risk.

To cancel your booked locker space, you will need to provide 4 weeks’ notice by email to office@sasc.com.au.

Dinghy Space Application

Members are requested to have their boat name clearly identified on their dinghy.

To cancel your booked dinghy space, you will need to provide 4 weeks’ notice by email to office@sasc.com.au.

Got a big one? Maximum Size: H 600 x W 1300 x L 2300

All items and dinghies left in the space are left at the owners risk.