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This oral history collection records the stories of generations of Amateurs members, among them flag officers, notable achievers, perennial volunteers and inveterate raconteurs.

The podcasts are an enduring legacy for our club in the wake of its 150th anniversary in 2022.

In keeping with the SASC’s long and proud tradition of self-help, the interviews were recorded and produced by fellow members of ‘the best kept secret on Sydney Harbour’.

To them, and their clubmates who generously agreed to tell their stories, provided photographs, or assisted with background research, our gratitude.

We also pay our respects to the families and friends of those Amateurs who’ve ‘crossed the bar’ since sharing their memories.

The podcasts are presented in surname alphabetical order, and each includes a transcript. More will be added to the collection as they become available in the future.

May you get much pleasure from our Reflections.


Crew, please let us know a little about your sailing ability so we can match you with the best boat and skipper.


Skippers, please let us know the crew information you need for ‘Women’s Rally For Fun’ on 1st December.

Archive Maintenance Form – Do you have any additional information or changes to the archive files? Please let us know.

Yacht Registration and Measurements

Welcome to Sydney Amateur Sailing Club

Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a beginner, SASC offers a welcoming community, expert guidance, and thrilling adventures on the water!

We look forward to welcoming you to Sydney Amateurs Sailing Club to enjoy sailing seasons, regattas, social events, and the camaraderie of fellow enthusiasts!

Locker Space Allocation

Members are requested to have their vessel name clearly identified.

All items left in the lockers are left at the owner’s risk.

To cancel your booked locker space, you will need to provide 4 weeks’ notice by email to office@sasc.com.au.

Dinghy Space Application

Members are requested to have their boat name clearly identified on their dinghy.

To cancel your booked dinghy space, you will need to provide 4 weeks’ notice by email to office@sasc.com.au.

Got a big one? Maximum Size: H 600 x W 1300 x L 2300

All items and dinghies left in the space are left at the owners risk.