If you are crewing in a race at the Amateurs and not a member of a sailing club, we encourage you to register for SailPASS. You will receive an Australian Sailing number and Personal Injury Insurance from Australian Sailing. It is important that you register so your insurance is active and the Club has your contact details.
You can check if you have a current AS Number by searching here: Australian Sailing Number
SASC offer two SailPASS options:
- Season SailPASS
If you are crewing regularly you can purchase a Season SailPASS which expires on 31st May each year – the cost is $160.00. To register or renew your registration and pay online at the link below.
- Day SailPASS
If you don’t crew regularly you can register for a SailPASS each time you race and nominate the dates you will be crewing. Your first three are free and each additional SailPASS is $10.00
Details of insurance cover from Australian Sailing are online:Australian Sailing Member Insurance